Local Area Events: North East

Start time: 19:00

Andy Kirkpatrick Special Lecture in aid of HEAT.

Is a Presentation event
Location of event
Ashville College, , Green Lane , Harrogate, N Yorks, HG2 9JP [View in google maps]
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Andy Kirkpatrick, mountaineer, author and stand up comedian will be doing a lecture, with his 13 year old daughter Ella following their successful completion of El Cap in Yosemite.

Andy’s speciality is big wall climbing and winter expeditions, which involves pitting himself against vertical climbs of over 1000 metres (that’s two and a half world trade centres), often in temperatures as low as minus 30 degrees. Andy has scaled Yosemite’s El Capitan – one of the hardest walls in America – over eighteen times, including three solo ascents and a one day ascent (18h). One of these ascents was a 12 day solo of the Reticent Wall, viewed at the time as perhaps the hardest climb of its type in the world, and the subject of his award winning book Psychovertical.

Metro magazine claims that he “makes Ray Mears look like Paris Hilton”.

His take on the climbing world together with his unique way of recounting epic adventures, successes and disasters, with humour and humility combine to make him an entertaining, informative and inspirational speaker. His comic tales appeal to both the climber and non-climber alike.

All proceeds for this special lecture go to the HEAT fund to help provide equipment and treatment for Hannah, whom many of you will know as one of Harrogate Climbing Centre’s instructors who recently suffered a tragic spinal injury leaving her wheelchair bound.

24th November 7pm at Ashville College, Harrogate. Tickets £10 adult, £7.50 child, available from http://www.heatfund.org.uk/. Refreshments available.

Created by alison wood on 21/11/2012 16:57:31