Local Area Events: Midlands

Start time: 20:00

Midlands Area Meeting & George Cave talk

Has attachmentsIs a BMC eventIs a Area Meeting event
Location of event
Old Edwardians Sports Club, Streetsbrook Road (junction with Olton Lane), Solihull, West Midlands, B90 3PE [View in google maps]
Type of event
Area Meeting
The BMC Midlands Area Meeting will be held at the Old Edwardians Sports Club in Solihull on Wednesday 7 September 2016, starting at 8.00pm.

Come along to our next gathering of Midlands climbers and walkers.  The evening includes a discussion of local and national issues, a bar and food, and a talk, so it should be a great night out.   

BMC area meetings are run by volunteers and are your chance to join in with debate and influence decisions about what happens in your area as well as the rest of the country.

Consultation on rebranding
The meeting will include a consultation on our recent rebranding announcement, and will be attended by BMC Executive Committee members Brian Smith and Colin Knowles and deputy CEO Nick Colton, who will explain the background to the rebranding proposal in detail; this will be followed by an open discussion and Q&A session.

The views from the meeting will be fed back via Area Representatives to the National Council meeting on 17 September; National Council will then decide how to proceed based on the views and feedback received. Members are encouraged to attend the meeting to contribute to the debate. Read BMC and Climb Britain: next steps

George Cave: Master mountaineers in Tajikistan
In 1940, a Soviet military officer visited the AkBaikal valley in Tajikistan, gazed up at the five peaks of the ridgeline and declared “the passage of this route would have done credit to any master mountaineer”. In the intervening years just one expedition had attempted any of the peaks and so in 2015 a team of five British mountaineers set out to try and prove themselves as master mountaineers. As it turned out, 75-year-old Russian climbing beta is not always of the highest quality...

All are welcome; entry is free. Food will be provided, and the club has a licensed bar.

Thanks to Solihull Mountaineering Club for hosting the meeting.

How to find the Old Edwardians Sports Club

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How to stay in touch with your local BMC area 

Created by Tony Ryan on 13/06/2016 15:49:49
Last Amended by Tony Ryan on 12/09/2016 15:30:32