Local Area Events: Wales

Start time: 19:30

South Wales Area Meeting

Has attachmentsIs a BMC eventIs a Area Meeting event
Location of event
Boulders Climbing Centre, St Catherine's Park, Pengam Road, Cardiff, CF24 2RZ [View in google maps]
Type of event
Area Meeting
Area meeting for the South, rough agenda to include;

Free buffet for attendees
Access update on a few sites
Better Bolt Campaign application
South Wales Bolt Fund update
Gower access rep position open - anyone interested in position email me
New green guide for valley crags - introduction by Luke Maggs from CCW
Crag clean ups for the year

If you wish to add a topic please email stuart.llewellyn@gmail.com

Created by Stuart Llewellyn on 05/02/2011 17:10:15
Last Amended by Stuart Llewellyn on 20/03/2011 14:21:25