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Your local area is: Wales
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BMC Cymru/Wales is the Welsh wing of the BMC. It holds meetings in both the north and the south of the Principality. In between meetings we produce an e-newsletter, BMC Cymru News, to keep people informed and to raise issues for debate.

Meetings tend to be short and sweet with minimal agendas and everyone gets fed. We try to hold them in the evenings so people have time to go for a walk or a climb before hand. In December we hold the BMC Cymru/Wales Hillwalking and Climbing Funday at a suitable venue. The day features workshops, entertainment, discussions, food and the Grand No Prize Quiz event.

BMC Cymru/Wales has been very active in recent years most meetings have between 30 at 40 people in attendance with more at the Funday. We have led the way in the appointment of a third Access and Conservation Officer for the BMC. We have lobbied to get the Mountain Leader Training Hillwalking book translated into Welsh.

On the crags we have promoted and support the Tremadog Revival works, re bolting work on the Gower, in the slate Quarries and on the Orme, we have help provided new belay stakes in Pembroke. When I say we, I mean you because none of these things happen without volunteer effort, we have a small hard core of keen helpers but we always need more.

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Area Calendar: Wales