Local Area Events: Wales

Start time: 19:30

BMC Cymru North Wales Area Meeting

Has attachmentsIs a BMC eventIs a Area Meeting event
Location of event
Online Meeting, via Zoom, ., . [View in google maps]
Type of event
Area Meeting
The BMC Cymru North Wales Area Meeting will be held online via Zoom on Tuesday 18 January 2022, starting at 7.30 pm.

Come to our next (virtual) gathering of North Wales climbers and walkers and get involved in the BMC.

Area Meetings are run by volunteers and provide an opportunity for you to discuss issues and influence decisions affecting climbers and walkers locally and nationally. All are welcome.

Three key items for discussion at the meeting are:
- The National Park's work on the Capel Curig - Crafnant bridleway;
- A BMC Cymru Festival in 2022: and
- The BMC Youth Climbing Meet (Llanberis, March 2022)


Following the 2021 Area AGM, there are still some Area volunteer opportunities; vacancies exist for an Area Representative and an Area Club Co-ordinator.

We also have a vacancy for a Youth Climbing Series Co-ordinator in the Wales region, to run events specifically in North Wales.

READ: Volunteer opportunities in your BMC Area


Members who have provided us with an email address (and haven’t unsubscribed from receiving BMC newsletters) will receive an email containing a hyperlink for the Zoom meeting, usually about 10 days before the meeting. If you do not receive this email, and wish to attend the meeting, you can request the Zoom hyperlink by emailing Local Areas Co-ordinator Tony Ryan on tony@thebmc.co.uk – please include your membership number; it would also be helpful if you could advise us whether you wish your email address to be added to your member record, so that we can send you invitations to future Area Meetings.


Connect with BMC Cymru Wales on Facebook

How to stay in touch with your local BMC area

Created by Tony Ryan on 13/12/2021 17:23:39
Last Amended by Tony Ryan on 11/02/2022 12:04:23