Welcome to the BMC
Local Areas site
Your local area is: Peak
Please choose your local area from the list below, or the map to the left:
The Peak Area is right at the heart of the British climbing and hill walking community. The five meetings a year are spread throughout the region giving as many people as possible the opportunity to attend at least one. Attendance is usually around 40-50, and the debate is always lively, but friendly. Every meeting sees new faces which is essential if we are to keep evolving and meeting the needs of what is one of the biggest concentrations of climbers anywhere in the world.
In addition to the meetings we organise litter picks, crag clean-up sessions, and the odd social. If you've got an interest in climbing in your local area get along to one meeting a year and get as involved as you feel comfortable with.
Previous Area Meeting
BMC Peak Area Meeting
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BMC Peak Area Meeting & AGM
Area Calendar:
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